Thursday, August 18, 2011

What have I ever done to winter, and old Mother Nature?

!±8± What have I ever done to winter, and old Mother Nature?

Want to hear a funny story? I do not think it's very fun for obvious reasons, but (the reader), can enjoy the irony and sadness for the humor in it. Well ... I will tell the story and you can decide if you feel my pain, or if you just want to do what I do now ... (Drug) helps them to laugh and shake his head in disbelief.

It all started years ago when I bought my first house. A nice little cabin 'access to a fairly large package and modest forest. I was in awe of my land purchase. Nestled in the woods on a dirt road to a herd of 100 horses acred, took the peace and serenity for a little 'getting used to ... I designed it, the first in an apartment in Manchester last year. I was so ready to bow out apartment living, where you can share parking and noise and hearing impaired people, and neighbors are committed to making your own noise, if you want to be limited. I went from one side ofSpectrum of others with the purchase of the house. There were maybe seven houses on the street when I bought the car. Adjacent to both places, was meandering dirt and a half miles of land, the year of maintenance necessary to appreciate the fact that someone who lives on a dirt road. For me it was my dream house.

Excited as I was entering my house ... not to mention a cabin in the woods ... and ready as I thought of being a home owner, I wanted a full-blownOpen case of reality. Gardening. I had all this money at the time of my savings and income middle management, but everything I bought, the first battle in the summer and winter, was a small 20 "push mower and a huge snowplow. The biggest, baddest, more expensive model to provide The Home Depot had. It 'was more than $ 1000 and was the reverse and three forward gears. It took almost an act to insist on a course and obtain certification for the device. After the first summer and pressing the20 "mower is open on two mornings, I was ready, the smallest area of ​​the dirt access road with a car much bigger battle in the winter and take at full strength. Silly me.

After the first big storm ... I remember like it was yesterday ... my time, the New England Patriots were playing at 4 pm and went out and saw the clock at 07.00 devastation. About a foot of snow. But not the soft and easy to dig large number of snow. It 'been granulized. It 'been a hard, frozenConsistency. And it was very cumbersome and difficult to move. I loosened the snow is not afraid. I moved in first gear and moving the blade of the giant in the snow and waited to see him throw the snow a hundred feet into the woods. Only it's not exactly what happened. Rinse the snow from the chute was not flying over the height of the handles of the plow itself, and within 30 seconds, the tree is completely blocked. And I was not even a meter awayin the driveway. Well ... This will not, can be like, I thought. After an hour trying to unlock the extent of snow in different directions, angles and stopping the slide of about 17 times, I realized that I was shoveling my 100 meters of dirt road with a £ 200 tip and I lost Human first-round war, the old man winter had done to me for no apparent reason. Finally, as a tenant for years, I taste the fact of the Winters and I am committedin all types of winter sports. I used to look forward to winter ... until this year 1995 ... and every winter since then. I gave the idea to grab a shovel and plow. Looking along the gloomy avenue forgive, I realized at lunch, than sitting in front of the TV in time for kick-off was under serious threat. With 3:45 in the afternoon drove a neighbor who did not formally introduced, and I noticed my situation and saw me shoveling. Iwas about half of the avenue, at this point. He stopped and went in and asked me if I wanted to push it the rest with the plow on the front of his truck. At this point I was ready to do anything to make this act of chivalry ... I would be the roof of his house for free ... reshingle mowing the lawn in the summer ... Trim and file his toe nails ... nothing. Nothing has been requested. It 'was a simple act of neighborly etiquette. He pushed forward the snow, and I was sittingfront of the TV with a beer in hand watching quarterback Drew Bledsoe in the third year and the Patriots no doubt ruining half a time. All for nothing, but I have a Patriots fan for a long, long time.

The second part of the storm was a bit 'more lenient and I realized that that the consistency of the snow, how to handle the snow. It would often simply do not do the snow would be ... unless I could be at home and in the fight against the storm every fewHours for the duration of it. What we all know from the world of work is not entirely possible. It is after a storm, not everyone in the world is stronger than the almighty dollar American. The businesses are open today, because people dare to come in now. Remember the great storm of '77 / '78? Shops closed. Schools closed. People have made. Not anymore. Times have changed and so have Blue laws. In God We Trust, which says the U.S. currency ... and that in and of itself, the irony... but a story for another time.

After this winter was over, and another summer push that silly 20 "mower around 80 and 90 degrees of humidity, I realized that it was time for something new. Something that can handle the volume of the lawn and plow the driveway in winter. they also have a car like this? Give me a break ... we remember, this is only my second year as a homeowner. A John Deere tractor. I saw one in the garage of this house I lived hoursto ... Owned by two women who love each other I bought. Of course. As I was stupid to be? I needed a tractor. So I started around. They wanted, as much for a John Deere? A college education and my first child was born? Holy Mother of some guy named Pete! Okay ... I had to do some search. Certainly there was a tractor of quality that could do the same job for less money. I could be a machine for the amount of money he wanted to buy John Deere for the gardenTractor. After back and forth for a while 'I discovered the Massey Ferguson. The exact same model with exactly the same engine Briggs and Stratton costs $ 6,000 more than painted John Deere green and yellow. My Massey Ferguson was reddish orange. All winter and summer services, was delivered in a snow storm together and I used it and it worked perfectly ... for only $ 10,000.00. The second time I went to use it, but ... I remember like it was yesterday. Thewas Christmas Eve. We closed a couple of hours from work early and despite the fact that, after the bad conditions of the trip, I got home, I had low range four wheel drive my car, and get up in my driveway. Something deep and dark in the back of my mind told me that he would complete the crap out of my challenge Massey Ferguson. Oh yeah. Indeed. I managed to clear the machine. A few meters ahead. Locked and spiders. Save. Drop the blade (theThe seller asked if I wanted snow plow attachment for the front of the tractor, but after the first winter, I decided on the blade) and press forward again ... six inches. Hmmm ... I realized after a few hours of this ... I shoveled my way with a shovel 600 pounds. You must be kidding? Eight hours later, I had deleted a red herring herringbone style until the end of my driveway and it took me three days four five-hour shifts to move the rest backand expand. The equation is simple enough. To fight the storm, I should be home for them and not let it get to me. Until I put the tractor ... three times plowing. Then the front tires are flat, spin-off circle. All repairs were carried out in the driveway ... in the snow ... in the elements outside of my control.

I used the tractor to the best of his ability ... mowed the lawn is well ... up to six months beyond the warranty. I was plowing, and I hadin the street, and I pushed on my driveway ... not much ... It 'was pretty clear ... and the tractor suddenly stopped dead in their tracks, and I could not direct it. You must be kidding? I got out and looked at the front tires, which have been moved awkwardly and precariously ... And then I noticed the front was completely together under the tractor. You must be kidding? I called the place I bought it and they came to pick him up, make repairson them. I complained that I use for plowing and mowing and maybe take a couple of time in front of me from time to time ... But it was a plow designed for this type of beat ... is not it? The salesman-slash-owner assured me that it was not too over-used, and that is the right model that he sold me to do the job that I needed. Until I gave the bill to fix the front axle. I asked him if he spoke Massey Ferguson, and he said, and she said that she was abusingTractor. In addition to it was the term they used. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged almost apologetically, as it was from his hands. I assured him that it was really hands now ... because I had the money to upgrade a bucket, if necessary ... But because of his lack of knowledge and obvious dishonesty of a product that had over the past 30 years, the sale was not always one more penny from his pocket. See you later, alligator.

So I went home and thought.What I have not tried to fight the winter? A plow for my Toyota Tacoma. I really do not want to load a plow on my truck. But it makes the "minute Mountains" now that pop and pop-off in a minute! Yeah ... If you have a paved driveway or garage to maintain broad and deep enough to have caught the whole year, maybe. The following winter, I decided it was time to try it. I reluctantly set up a $ 3,000.00 "Last Mount" Fisher Plow power on my truck. There are no torsion bars is that the TacomaYear. The plow hung fully raised two and a half inches off the ground. Driving home after it was installed, I ran into a head-on collision with each pull frost on the street. More ... has worked well for the winter. Well ... in some way. The minutes to mount, it took more like half an hour to 45 minutes. The jack would fall to the plow and the melting and refreezing of the ground a new height for the truck at any time I tried to make it rise for an adjustmentnew storm. Four letter words and jack plane, broken bars and hammers, shovels snow and more four-letter words ... and, finally, I wish I could get the plow ... over time much more than a minute. So I want to plow and so fast that I actually would be done in the rejection and shovel some areas of the garden to remind me that it was still winter and I was still at war. Next time, I had to mount the plow, I remember all too well the struggles in the small of my raceDirection.

I decided to leave the plow on my truck a storm, and I took the truck to go to work that day. I could not run out of my way and plow into something down the road. I was actually plowing the land and the city streets, even if my plow all the way was open, with my little Toyota Tacoma. You kidding! This would not do it. In the spring of this year, I realized the extent of the damage the plow in the winter and had my poor, beautiful little has been doneTrucks. Grabbed two leaf springs on both sides in the rear, two blown front shocks, and two very worn front tire hollow. Okay ... works as an auto repair shop, and the boys have made me move the truck. We have an additional leaf spring on each side of the rear axle. We have replaced the coil over shock front and rubber coil spacers in the coils placed in front of the front linkage. We replaced all four tires and ran a little 'numbers ... All lift trucks and bring thePlow more land. Now ... after $ 2,500 in parts and labor, the plow four centimeters above the ground was fully raised, instead of two and a half inches as before. And it worked pretty well ... for a while 'it is.

After a few years, we have decided to sell our beloved car. I met a beautiful young woman, fell madly in love, married and had a son with her ripe young age of 39 years. The awareness that the cabin was a good choice to raise a child and the factwe were so far away, we decided to sell and go north of the Great North Woods of New Hampshire. Where is 9 months in winter and the other three months is just plain evil snowmobile with black flies. Go figure.

The house was we end up buying a smaller house on a much smaller yard and even though I've had the solitude of the forests and the large courtyard, we did lose, I was also a sigh of relief that would be my maintenance outside are cut to a fractionfrom what had been in the hut. Or ... so I thought. At the end of the first winter, held the plow for my truck, just three years, to run correctly. I had planned to carry out all maintenance work and recommendations to change the hydraulic oil and all that ... I had already missed a hydraulic line encountered during a storm ... among other things, cripple the plow immediately. But the same plow did not respond properly to commands, which I sent to the electricJoystick. A brief investigation would have led to the discovery that the plug for the three points of plug-in had to use a wire broke. Why? Well ... and every time you pull the damned ... Remember this is usually done during a snowstorm, when it's cold outside and the wires become brittle from the elements beyond our control ... the wires bend and compromise. On this connector, there were only three wires, have made it much more delicate and susceptible tosensitive than the other connector. So ... I had to make a new three-point belt ordered and installed ... But remember two things ... The first is that a storm, and I have no time to wait for this thing to be delivered via the Internet order and delivery ... And the second thing is that I am a Yankee, so it must be a way to not only solve this problem, but make it better. Am I right? Looking at the results of this winter, I'd like to meet this challengeDeclaration. I rewound the plow and for the most part, it worked ... Ok ... if they wanted. The acquisition of a mind its own power if it was almost like a man possessed piece of metal and machines such as Stephen King Christine narrative, its only purpose is served for the rest of the winter. Not completely satisfied with my wiring diagrams, but I decided to return to work during the summer months, when it was much warmer and the elements outside of our control were a bit 'more hospitable.Fast expects the winter, trying to speed up the rest of the summer so I could see how well it performs, I was horrified to see the darn thing did not come to work the first time this year to name him. I was left to the snow blower and shovel. I worked a couple of times this winter, but began to more deeply into a pile of snow, which made it a harbinger of spring. Like the dog poop freeze, which melted and frozen landscape of refrozeCourtyard. See you in April ... maybe.

So ... after working on the plow through the summer of last year ... okay ... In fact, it was all summer ... It was actually one day and after I got rewired and a new connector (not the recommended three-point seat belts, which would undoubtedly gave me a few more years of trouble-free) and attached to the truck and ... nothing. Not even a groan from the electric motor. I played with this and that. Disconnecting the cable and groundingcleaning terminal. The plow addressed, and I was happy. "Yes, right!" I yelled to the plow. Phew. I hung up and hit the joystick to increase again and ... nothing. You have got to be kidding! It did not work then. I had visions of being loaded into my truck and take it to work ... or just chuck in the Androscoggin River on the road ... and try to fix it, but in all honesty ... I was impressed. She won hands down, and I gave up. I just gave up.A project for another day in this new year ... maybe.

And this winter has been relentless. I turned my back to the Massey Ferguson tractor, a plow. Something I have not done since I bought the plow for the truck. I have everything completed in time for the winter ready. I'm running the snowblower, go to the tractor and converted to activate the generator was running elbow and ... I was so ready for winter this year ... with the exception of Massey Ferguson did not start every time I went to useit. I replaced the battery with higher cold Nothing Art amp start. I would recommend this charger on them ... Finally, it is ... and then use it and the next time I went to start it ... nothing. The generator is located below the handle on this model. I'm with the upper end of the engine turned off, pull to get it. I'm not doing that, if the temperature is high for this time of year, a mild 30 degrees. Today, this morning is -14 degrees Fahrenheit. Yeah ... and the tractorparked in the woodshed and sunk completely into a giant snowdrift. I simply gave up. You kidding.

Then there was that storm. I remember like it was yesterday. It 'was yesterday! I was blowing the snow around the tiptop minute of my plow Fisher mountain. The height of the snow banks were fully erect against the slide of the fan ... the amount of snow, threatening the entire circumference of the seven foot plow completely devour ... I looked inCourtyard in the huge pile of snow blocking the wooden shack where he stopped the tractor useless ... I went to the end of the avenue, where the big trucks plow push the ingredients Street four feet back in my driveway ... having just plowed more ... and the snow is a consistency that quickly reminded of my snow blower, which can, and are often challenged in his life ... and I resort to the old discovery that human beings long before snow plows and snow blowers and tractorsmachines and other electro-slash-hydraulic equipment to combat the elements ... beyond our control ... the blade. Dirt road cutting board with knife blade ... the snow thrower near me wasting precious petrol was running ... But I did not know how to feel again the elbow down ... I thought about how much money I have invested in the fight against the wars waged against me, if Mrs. Holle ugly bumps with mother nature and I have to clean up after them, the leaves ...$ 16,500.00! A snow plow that works only in ideal snow conditions and consistency ... a tractor plowing begins as and when conditions are ideal, and waved a magic key is ... Fisher Plow Mount electric one minute, far more than a minute to install and requires only now works in the summer ... Once ... and will never work again ... (Plus I had the money to invest in my truck, in order to handle the plow after the first winter) and they are all against me and allyfun of me when I cut the blade of the shovel in the snow and Chuck over the snowbank, which is now far above my head. What was the name of the mother of a man named Pete, I never do that to Mother Holle and Mother Nature hates me so much?

Jody L. Campbell

What have I ever done to winter, and old Mother Nature?

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